Saturday, January 2, 2016

Dot Your I's and Cross Your T's

  • Environment: Profitable beginnings - Ace of Coins
  • Unknown: Legal judgment or advice - King of Swords
  • Known: Taking chances - Wheel of Fortune
  • Action: Use your strengths - Strength
Interpretation Summary
You have begun on a course that has the potential to be profitable, but be sure to explore all the legalities before you take the plunge.  You're taking a chance, and believe that fate is with you or the time is right, but there may be legal challenges or contractual issues of which you aren't aware. Reach into yourself and play to your strengths today. You've got this as long as you pull yourself together and use all of your talents.

A Sneak Peek - Everday Powers Tarot

For years, I've dreamed of creating and publishing my own Tarot deck, incorporating the lessons I've learned about reading and empowerment along the way. The deck has developed in fits and starts over the course of nearly a decade, but the last few months, it has taken on a life of its own. It took nearly 10 years to create the collages for the Major Arcana - and less than eight weeks to create the images for the first three suits of the Everyday Powers Tarot deck. As the new year begins, I'm excited to share a sneak peek at the deck in its last stages of development. The image at the left is a screen cap of the deck in development, with images for some of the wands (staves) and coins (sovereigns).

More after the jump...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Enjoy Your Competence

  • Environment: Boldness - Two of Wands
  • Unknown: Contentment - Four of Wands
  • Known: Inspiration - The Magician
  • Action: Contest - Five of Wands
Interpretation Summary
Your recent successes have given you a sense of accomplishment and competence that feels surprisingly comfortable. You've been driving yourself hard. Today is a good day to relax and refresh yourself with some friendly competition and games.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Explore Partnerships

  • Environment: Decision - Two of Swords
  • Unknown: Chance - Wheel of Fortune
  • Known: Leadership - King of Wands
  • Action: Partnership - Two of Cups
Interpretation Summary
You find yourself on the horns of a dilemma, facing two choices that are neither ideal. While you're managing to keep things in balance without making a choice, you may soon find that circumstances force one upon you. A strong and supportive leader is intrigued by your enthusiasm and ideas. This is a good time to reach out and explore the possibilities of a partnership.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Dare to Share Responsibility

  • Environment: Self-Interest - Five of Swords
  • Unknown: Responsibility - Ten of Wands
  • Known: Leadership - King of Wands
  • Action: Creativity - Page of Wands
Interpretation Summary
You've experienced betrayal in the past and your current position is one of wary self-interest. You have a bold new idea or project and you fear losing control over it. Trying to shepherd it on your own may prove to be a heavy burden, however, especially when there are those who would eagerly get behind your leadership and endorse your ideas. Dare to trust others who are inspired by your enthusiasm.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Practice Patience

  • Environment: Hasty Actions - The Knight of Wands
  • Unknown: Decisions - The Two of Swords
  • Known: Mastery - The Three of Pentacles
  • Action: Patience - The Eight of Pentacles
Interpretation Summary
You're excited and ready to forge ahead, but the time may not be right. Consider all the consequences carefully before making a move and let your knowledge and expertise guide you. You've laid the groundwork and planted the seeds. Now, it's time to wait patiently for the harvest.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seek a Mentor

  • Environment: Inspiration - The Magician
  • Unknown:  Perspective - The Five of Cups
  • Known: Nurture - The Empress
  • Action: Initiation - The Heirophant
Interpretation Summary
While your original inspiration may not be completely practical, all is not lost. With the proper perspective and careful nurturing, you have a project that's ready for a limited introduction. Talk to others who can help you through the initial stages and get you started on the road to success.