Friday, February 28, 2014

Put Energy to Good Use

  • Environment: Ace of Swords
  • Unknown: Ten of Cups
  • Known: Ace of Wands
  • Action: The Knight of Swords
Interpretation Summary.
You're really in the zone today. Not only have you figured out how to get something done, you've got the energy to actually accomplish what you set out to do. Don't waste the day. Turns out that whatever you do today will also turn out well for your loved ones.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Embrace Practice

  • Environment: Eight of Pentacles
  • Unknown: Wheel of Fortune
  • Known: Four of Pentacles
  • Action: Three of Cups
Interpretation Summary
Today is a day to practice the skills you need to reach your goals. What you do may seem like busy work, but it's in service of learning. It may be difficult to remember that today's mundane work is all part of a larger plan. You're intent on doing what you need to do to avoid losing what you've already gained, but remember that you don't have to do it all alone. Seek help and companionship from colleagues, and celebrate small victories with them.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Take the Long View

  • Environment: Two of Wands
  • Unknown: Two of Pentacles
  • Known: Three of Pentacles
  • Action: The World

Interpretation Summary

You've decided to take on a project or make a move out into the broader world. Things may not move as smoothly as you expect, and you may need to prioritize your daily tasks in order to stay on track with your ultimate goals. Keep the long view in mind as you tick off each day's accomplishments. You're on your way to having everything you want.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Seek Balance and Control

  • Environment: Ace of Cups
  • Unknown: Seven of Swords
  • Known: Three of Cups
  • Action: The Chariot
Interpretation Summary
You've got a creative and emotional day in store today. Part of you will want to buckle down and work hard on your project. Another part of you will crave companionship and collaboration. Both of those things are important, and this is one day when you can have it all. Exert a little self-control so that you can get your work done and still enjoy the collaborative, social spirit.
--Full Interpretation After the Jump--

Monday, February 24, 2014

Celebrate Your Decision

  • Environment: Two of Wands
  • Unknown: Seven of Cups
  • Known: Knight of Wands
  • Action: Four of Wands
Interpretation Summary.
 The choices you make and actions you take today help set you on the path toward accomplishment. You've been offered an opportunity that's so good it may even scare you a little, but you've made the decision to step up and go for it. Your energy and enthusiasm are driving you forward, but take a few minutes today to celebrate your decision with friends and family.

--Full Interpretation After the Jump-- 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Plan Ahead for Success

  • Environment: King of Wands
  • Unknown: Knight of Swords
  • Known: The Emperor
  • Action: Queen of Swords
So many people cards, so little self-determination! Someone has presented you with an unexpected opportunity, and your response to it may determine events far into the future. You must decide if it fits into the goals for your life. Be careful not to rush blindly into things without understanding the full implications. You may make great leaps forward, only to have to backtrack later to clean up after yourself. Plan carefully, create some structure for yourself and then proceed with what you have to do to manifest what you want to happen. You have the abilities you need to reach your goal as long as you don't let your emotions get in the way of your work.
--Full Interpretation After the Jump-- 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Just Walk Away

  • Environment: King of Cups
  • Unknown: The Star
  • Known: Five of Cups
  • Action: Eight of Cups
Still waters run deep, and you've been letting what's under the surface hold you back for far too long. You've been dwelling on your shortcomings and problems and forgotten how to trust yourself. It's time to leave your self doubts behind and continue on your journey unencumbered.
--Full Interpretation After the Jump--

Friday, February 21, 2014

Discovering the Empress

Daily reading, Feb 22 2014
  • Environment: 4 Pentacles
  • Unknown: The Empress
  • Known: Ace of Cups
  • Action: 3 of Wands 
 Today is the day to start that new project. You've built a stronger foundation and support base than you know. Take stock of your resources, including your connections, and look outside yourself to find the support you need to get your project off the ground.

--Full Interpretation After the Jump--