- Environment: Two of Wands
- Unknown: Two of Pentacles
- Known: Three of Pentacles
- Action: The World
Interpretation Summary
You've decided to take on a project or make a move out into the broader world. Things may not move as smoothly as you expect, and you may need to prioritize your daily tasks in order to stay on track with your ultimate goals. Keep the long view in mind as you tick off each day's accomplishments. You're on your way to having everything you want.
In the Unknown position, the Two of Pentacles warns that balance is important. You may be so caught up in your new project that you forget your day-to-day responsibilities, which can endanger your ultimate goal. On the other hand, you could get so mired in accomplishing your daily tasks that you put aside the tasks that will further your long-term aims.
In the Known position, the Three of Pentacles is an indicator that today is a day for working at your craft. You've gone beyond the journeyman practice stage and have achieved a position of respect, where your opinions and knowledge are valued. You may find yourself teaching something or consulting on a project.
Quick Recap: You've committed yourself to a long-term goal, but you may not have struck the right balance between survival tasks and those that will move you toward your goal.The tasks you do today will serve both your long-term and short-term goals.
In the Action position, The World is an indication that you should take the long view today. Some tasks may seem pointless, but every one of them moves you closer toward your eventual goal.
*** Correspondence Notes ***
Power Tarot is about using the Tarot as an empowerment tool to help you build the life you want to live. When used this way, the cards can help you gain insight into your own motivations and point you in the direction that will help you achieve your goals.
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